Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018

Red Blood Black Sand

Red Blood Black Sand

A Marine could not move dug a hole for cover. He want to flattened himself into the hole. He pinned there until finally he heard the familiar clanking of friendly tanks arrive. SHERMAN

Landing Team 1-27
Baker Company 1st Battalion 27th Marine Regiment 5th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
LOCATION Parangkusumo Beach

Pada tanggal 19 Februari 1945 setelah malam tanpa tidur.. Setelah beberapa surat tertulis. Setelah 48 Pesawat Marinir menjatuhkan bahan peledak tinggi mereka dan napalm di lereng suribachi... Traktor Peleton ke-2 mencapai pantai.. Marinir melompat ke pasir vulkanik hitam. Banyak dari mereka membungkuk rendah dan mencoba untuk maju ke depan. Tapi kakinya tenggelam ke pasir sampai ke kness nya. Dia merasa seperti salmon mencoba berenang di hulu.

"pantai merah 2" zona pendaratan
Baker co, Resimen Marinir ke-27 Divisi Marinir ke-5

Ini pemeragaan oleh unit sejarah di grup pemeragaan ww2

FG Ferry Indra
Di Bingkai Willy Prasetya
Erwin Prasetyo 

More tractor.. more Marines dumped. Jump and run and crouch.. falling. Artillery and mortars everywhere.. big coastal gun and anti aircraft pieces blast on the landing zone .. unleashed a terrifying volley.. death fire and smoke.

Baker Co, 27th Marine Regiment 5th Marine Division


FG Ferry Indra
On Frame Rae Bma Bagus Irawan Willy Prasetya Ardi HaRes
Location Parangkusumo Beach DIY 

Amtracs, unable to do more than uselessly churn the black ash, made no progress up the slopes; their Marine passengers had to dismount and slog forward on foot.

Landing Team 1-27
Baker Company 1st Battalion 27th Marine Regiment 5th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Phe Wie Ardi HaRes Rae Bma
LOCATION Parangkusumo Beach

Flamethrower crossing the sand dune, the zippoman was a death job to do.. but with this 70 pound FT strapped to his back he could burned down a pillbox or MG nest.

Landing Team 1-27
Baker Company 1st Battalion 27th Marine Regiment 5th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Erwin Prasetyo
LOCATION Parangkusumo Beach DIY 

"Machine Gun Team Provide fire support to Marines wave from the line for further push. M1919 Browning could be big help to surpress Japs."

Baker Company 1st Battalion 27th Marine Regiment 5th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Willy Prasetya Rae Bma Bagus Irawan Ardi HaRes
LOCATION Parangkusomo Beach DIY 

Machine Gun Team move to position their M1919 Browning.. they burst anything in sight.. flanking the Japs MG nest.. or sweep a bunch of Japs.

Landing Team 1-27
Baker Company 1st Battalion 27th Marine Regiment 5th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Bagus Irawan Ardi HaRes
LOCATION Parangkusumo Beach DIY 

For extraordinary heroism while serving as a leader of a Machine-Gun Section of Company C, First Battalion, Twenty-Seventh Marines, Fifth Marine Division, in Action against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands, Iwo Jima.

He was an inspiration to his comrades and reflects the highest credit upon Gunnery Sergeant Basilone and the United States Naval Service.

He gallantly gave his life in the service of his country.

C Company 1st Battalion 27th Marine Regiment 5th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Bagus Irawan Willy Prasetya
LOCATION Parangkusumo Beach 

During the “island hopping” campaigns of the Pacific Theater, include Okinawa many Marines believed flamethrowers made the difference between their lives and death.

“We could not have taken the island without the flamethrower". In a Marine Corps oral history of the battle. “It saved lives because it did not require men to go into caves, which were all booby-trapped and promised certain death to all who entered.”

Sugar Loaf Hill, western Okinawa

Dog Company 1st Battalion 29th Marine Regiment 6th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Willy Prasetya Erwin Prasetyo Rae Bma
LOCATION Hill Parangtritis

Behind scene Goes Noeg Adi Prasetyo Blackfox Gears

The Marines’ M2 flamethrowers were heavy and cumbersome, making it difficult to run when wearing the device. The unit also made the Marine a high-value target—easy to see and easy to shoot.

One Marine Corps flamethrower unit had more 90-percent casualty rate—leading a military statistician to estimate the average lifespan on the battlefield of a Marine flamethrower operator at four minutes.

Sugar Loaf Hill, western Okinawa

Dog Company 1st Battalion 29th Marine Regiment 6th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Willy Prasetya Rae Bma Erwin Prasetyo
LOCATION Hill Parangtritis

Behind scene Goes Noeg Adi Prasetyo Blackfox Gears



Historical Unit in WW2 Reenactment Group
FG Ferry Indra
In Frame Willy Prasetya Erwin Prasetyo Bagus Irawan Rae Bma Phe Wie Ardi HaRes Mohammad Iqbal
Behind Scene Goes Noeg Adi Prasetyo Blackfox Gears

This was a fight with rifle, machine-guns and mortars. “If a mortar shell landed beside you,” said Pierce, “the guy was blown to bits and his body was nothing but a black hulk.” You need an artilery to blow them back... and off course a bazooka.

Sugar Loaf Hill, western Okinawa

Dog Company 1st Battalion 29th Marine Regiment 6th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Willy Prasetya Mohammad Iqbal
LOCATION Hill Parangtritis

“You could run up it in no time at all,” Pierce told me. But it was of vital importance and there was only one way of taking it: a yard at a time by the unfortunate men on the ground. With the enemy well dug in, whole companies of marines were decimated as they repeatedly assaulted the feature.

Sugar Loaf Hill, Okinawa

Dog Company 1st Battalion 29th Marine Regiment 6th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Rae Bma Mohammad Iqbal
LOCATION Hill Parangtritis

Behind scene Goes Noeg Adi Prasetyo Blackfox Gears

Pierce and his buddies were wet all the time. “You never dried off. We landed with what we were wearing and one extra set of clothing, and if they were wet or worn out, it was tough shit.

Dog Company 29th Marine Regiment 6th Marine Division

Near Shuri line Okinawa

Historical Unit in WW2 Reenactment Group
FG Ferry Indra
TALENT ON FRAME Bagus Irawan Phe Wie
Behind scene Goes Noeg Adi Prasetyo 

The rain and the close nature of the fighting meant that no fires could be lit at the front, so there was no hot water for coffee, and no hot food. They ate mainly C rations, tins of pre-cooked food, usually bully beef.

Loads of people shat in their pants, believe me,” added Pierce, “even if you didn’t have diarrhoea.” Can you believe that.. u sit behind machine gun.. and you shat..???? Fu*k

Sugar Loaf Hill, Okinawa

Dog Company 1st Battalion 29th Marine Regiment 6th Marine Division

Historical Unit In WW2 Reenactment Group

FG Ferry Indra
ON FRAME Bagus Irawan Ardi HaRes
LOCATION Hill Parangtritis

Behind scene Goes Noeg Adi Prasetyo Blackfox Gears

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